Celestial Clothes

Celestial Clothes

2 chapter views

From Studio


Miwatari Yuu comes from an ancient shrine family gifted in archery. When he was younger, he saw an aurora borealis streak through the sky, though no one he tells believes him. On that same night, his brother disappeared. And now that his mother has died, Yuu is alone and has to live with his cousin, Shimaki. Suddenly, Yuu is visited by a strange girl demanding if he has “Aurora,” for it is her armor. Yuu can’t help but remember his mother once saying that auroras were the shine of a valkyrie’s armor… Just who is this girl, and what godlike battles will she lead Yuu into? #dead_family_member #female_fighter #sexual_innuendo #unrealistic_fighting #warriors #young_male_lead #sentient_weapon #transformation #norse_mythology #nudity #fashion_lolita #archery #brother_and_sister #character_transformation #moving_away #astronomy #valkyrie #mythology #clothes


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Last Updated
9 mo. ago
Celestial Clothes

Celestial Clothes

2 chapter views

From Studio


Miwatari Yuu comes from an ancient shrine family gifted in archery. When he was younger, he saw an aurora borealis streak through the sky, though no one he tells believes him. On that same night, his brother disappeared. And now that his mother has died, Yuu is alone and has to live with his cousin, Shimaki. Suddenly, Yuu is visited by a strange girl demanding if he has “Aurora,” for it is her armor. Yuu can’t help but remember his mother once saying that auroras were the shine of a valkyrie’s armor… Just who is this girl, and what godlike battles will she lead Yuu into? #dead_family_member #female_fighter #sexual_innuendo #unrealistic_fighting #warriors #young_male_lead #sentient_weapon #transformation #norse_mythology #nudity #fashion_lolita #archery #brother_and_sister #character_transformation #moving_away #astronomy #valkyrie #mythology #clothes


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Last Updated
9 mo. ago