Page st-chapterFile-7884738
Page st-chapterFile-7824975
Are youawake?
This is thehospital. Yourfever has reached 39degrees because youhave pneumonia.
You'vebeen living withit for 10 yearsthen.
Page st-chapterFile-7824976
I called mybrother to helpme carry you to thehospital, as it was toodifficult for me todo it alone.
I asked him tohandle your annualleave while you'rein the hospital.
Did you onlytake a two-day vacationthis year?
Page st-chapterFile-7884738
Page st-chapterFile-7824975
Are youawake?
This is thehospital. Yourfever has reached 39degrees because youhave pneumonia.
You'vebeen living withit for 10 yearsthen.
Page st-chapterFile-7824976
I called mybrother to helpme carry you to thehospital, as it was toodifficult for me todo it alone.
I asked him tohandle your annualleave while you'rein the hospital.
Did you onlytake a two-day vacationthis year?